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Uploading media to Kaltura is easy and once completed, you have the ability to share it and embed it in Moodle.
Summarizes for students how to download Kaltura Personal Capture onto their computer, and how to record and upload a video to Moodle for an assignment.
An introduction and tips for recording video for Moodle.
Learn how to quickly get started using Kaltura.
Walks students through the process of uploading a video from an iPhone to a Moodle Assignment or Discussion Forum using Kaltura.
Documentation involving MediaSpace, which is used for Elon Law School faculty, staff, and students.
Use the analytics section of video quizzes through Kaltura.
Edit closed captions within Kaltura at Elon University.
Outlines how to create a video quiz in Kaltura.
Use Kaltura Personal Capture for MediaSpace.
Kaltura with support links to other pieces of documentation.
Record and add lecture videos to Moodle using Kaltura Personal Capture.
Outlines how students can upload videos to Kaltura.
Walks users through the process of downloading their personal Kaltura media.