To find and open local files when using AppsAnywhere
When launching an application from the portal, AppsAnywhere will request access to your files or folder so that it can open documents for each application that you use.

Select the location of your files (typically the home icon plus your username) then select "Confirm" and "Open".

Select "Done" to confirm. To allow additional access, click the blue link.

The Parallels client will launch and connect to the AppsAnywhere server; it will look like a Windows machine. Once the AppsAnywhere launcher is installed, you can hover over it and click Launch to launch an application.
To open documents from your Mac in the application, you can navigate to "This PC" on the Parallels Client. Once there, look under the "Devices and Drives" heading - you should see a drive called "Drives on [Mac COMPUTER NAME]" -- NOT "OS(C:)". From there, you can navigate to locate the files on your Mac to open using AppsAnywhere programs.