Activate and Run Moodle's Built-in Accessibility Checker


Moodle provides users with an accessibility toolkit that, when enabled, flags accessibility issues within a course and provides suggestions for fixing them. This article discusses:

  • how to add and run the accessibility review in your Moodle course
  • how to view the data generated by the toolkit

To add the accessibility review tool to your Moodle course, with edit mode on, open the block drawer on the right-hand side of your screen. Click "Add a block" and select "Accessibility review" from the top of the list.

The block includes the automated analysis of the requested Moodle course against a set of common accessibility rules, checking the content inside all of Moodle’s core activities. The Accessibility Toolkit then generates reports of all detected accessibility errors, which can also be broken down by content or activity type. This provides insights to educators on the overall accessibility of their course(s) and the areas that should be improved. 

Add a block’ pop-up window featuring various options such as Accessibility review, Admin bookmarks, Attendance, Blog menu, Calendar, Blog tags, Comments, Simple Clock, Configurable reports, and Course Module Navigation. Accessibility review is highlighted in light gray.

The accessibility review block will appear in the block drawer area of your course. Click "Submit for analysis."

The Moodle Accessibility review panel, with text reading "This course has not been scheduled for analysis to find common accessibility issues."  A red button is below that says "Submit for analysis."

Note: Once the initial analysis has been completed, the accessibility checker is scheduled to run every five minutes. The initial scan of your course may take several minutes to several hours, depending on the level of server activity and the amount of content in your course. It's a good idea to run the accessibility checker and check back later to see the results.

Once the initial review has been completed, you will see a data table in the same area of the block drawer. This table summarizes the number of accessibility errors in your course, based on content type. Once a course has been analyzed, any ongoing updates, edits, or additions within the course will be automatically analyzed.

Screenshot of an accessibility review panel showing different types of content with corresponding error counts. The panel header lists five categories: Layout, Link, Media, Table, and Text. Error counts are displayed next to each category.

Toggle the eyeball icon (bottom left) on and off to give a color overview of which activities contain errors.

  • Green = no errors

  • Yellow = one or two errors

  • Red = multiple errors

A screenshot of three Moodle activities, one with a red background and the text "Failed-error count:2", and two activities with a green background and the text "Passed."

Clicking on the graph icon (bottom middle) leads you to a screen with more detailed error information.

Clicking on the download icon (bottom right) will export a .pdf version of the accessibility report to your device. 



Article ID: 150689
Mon 4/29/24 3:14 PM
Fri 6/21/24 4:33 PM
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