Logging into PollEV


This article provides step-by-step instructions on logging to Poll Everywhere using Elon SSO.


  1. Visit polleverywhere.com and click "Log in" in the top right-hand corner.

The Poll Everywhere main page before logging in

  1. Add in your Elon email when entering your account information and Click "Next". SSO is enabled, so you'll see the button change automatically to Elon's name.

The Poll Everywhere login page

  1. Click on "Log in with Elon University" to continue to our organization's portal.

The Poll Everywhere login page when an Elon email is used

  1. Add in your Elon email and password. Then click Login. You might be asked confirm Duo push.

Elon SSO Login page and Duo Mobile push

  1. After signing in, you'll be directed to your Poll Everywhere account.

Poll Everywhere home page after logging in



Article ID: 152553
Thu 8/15/24 2:26 PM
Thu 8/15/24 4:21 PM
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