If you are having problems with your voicemail quota reaching its limit, there are several things you may do to help free up space in your voicemail box. Please follow these tips to manage your voicemail:
- Listen to your voicemails and delete them straight from the voicemail option on your telephone
- Delete the voicemail messages from your Inbox (after 24 hours in the Deleted Items folder, the system will automatically erase the messages)
- Search your email for any .wav files (in the search bar of Microsoft Outlook, enter '.wav' and perform the search and any voicemails should appear for you to delete
- Make sure that your voicemail is not in a subfolder in your Inbox or Junk Mail folders. These areas still count towards your voicemail quota and are *NOT* deleted. However, if a voicemail is in your deleted items folder, that's okay.