Office 365 Message & Recipient Limits


Provides message and recipient limits for email for faculty and staff.


When it comes to sending messages through Microsoft 365, you may have some questions that directly affect your email experience:

  • Are any sending size limits applied to email messages?
  • What recipient limits are applied to email messages?

The limits on messages, mailboxes, recipients, and email clients fall into one of the following categories:

  • Message limits
  • Recipient and sender limits
  • Retention limits
  • Distribution group limits
  • Transport rule limits
  • Moderation limits

Important - Please be aware of the following:

  • The limits applied to your domain may differ depending on how long your domain has been enrolled in the service. When a limit is changed in the Microsoft datacenters, it can take some time to apply the change to all existing customers.
  • You can't modify most of these limits, but you should be aware of them.
  • These limits apply to both internal and external recipients.

1.) Message limits

An image of message limits.

  • These limits are applied to every email message.

2.) Recipient and sender limits

An image of recipient and sender limits.

  • These limits are applied to messages, senders, and recipients to combat spam and mass-mailing worms or viruses.
  • Note: For distribution groups stored in the shared address book, the group is counted as one recipient. For distribution groups stored in the Contacts folder of a mailbox, the members of the group are counted individually.

3.) Retention limits

An image of retention limits.

  • These limits control the amount of time that items in specific folders in the Inbox are accessible.

4.) Distribution group limits

An image of distribution group limits.

  • These limits apply to distribution groups.

5.) Transport rule limits

An image of transport rule limits.

  • These limits control organization-wide rules, als known as transport rules.

6.) Moderation limits

An image of moderation limits.

  • These limits control moderation settings used for message approval applied to distribution groups and transport rules.



Article ID: 79019
Thu 5/23/19 11:55 AM
Mon 8/26/24 2:41 PM
Internal or External