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Instructions for updating the home address, local address and phone number in the User Profile
Shows how to find a serial number for an Apple computer.
Where to find serial number/license keys for downloaded software from OnTheHub.
Find your Elon University ID Number.
Block pesky telemarketers with a Cisco 8851 ip phone in just a few short steps.
Overview of making calls on campus, moving office phones, and about phones in residence halls.
Create an account with Canon's MyCSA (eManage) site, which is used to order supplies or place service calls for Canon devices.
Information about placing service calls on Canon devices.
Enroll and use a key fob (a type of hardware token) with DUO Security, Elon's multi-factor authentication solution.
Access and enter bank information for student refund direct deposit.
Add phonebook entries to the RightFax utility.
Walks you through how to access the Forum Summary Report which outlines student participation within a forum in the LMS.
Add random questions from a question bank, which generates a different quiz for each student.
This article discusses how to structure a competency framework to incorporate it into Moodle.