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Report a compromised device, account, or other information security related threat.

Report an issue with an Elon-issued mobile device.

Report an issue with university-issued computers or accessories.

If you are experiencing an issue with Synoptix, report the issue and IT will troubleshoot.

If you are experiencing issues with Entrinsik Informer, report the issue and IT's Enterprise Solutions team will troubleshoot.

If you are experiencing an issue with RightFax, first consult the knowledge base to troubleshoot. If you are still having problems, report the issue.

If you are experiencing an issue with the United Way form located in OnTrack, please report the issue.

If you are experiencing issues with Kiosk, Elon's custom application for tracking re-occurring event attendees or walk-up location traffic, report the issue.

Report an issue with university-owned TVs found in common areas and various meeting/classroom spaces.

Report a technical issue with the parking ticket payment system.

Report an issue with technology in campus classrooms, meeting spaces, and other learning spaces.

If you are experiencing a problem with any Elon University website, please report the issue.

Report an issue with university-supported software.

Report an issue with an Elon University mailing list.

Report an issue with voicemail accessed through a university desk phone.