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Services or Offerings?
For HR staff to request access extensions for terminated employees.

Request an Elon Account for student employees and vendors or make changes to your own.

University employees are eligible for a discounted rate from both Verizon Wireless and AT&T Wireless.

AppTrack is Elon’s online position management and applicant tracking system for staff employees.

Learn more about submitting requests for technology when hiring at Elon.

Re-imaging is the act of clearing off all of the user data on a machine and reapplying the base image (the operating system and core software).

Request student access for a faculty/staff printer.

Request the addition or change of a budget number used for print and copy service.

Request new voice mailbox setup.

Report an issue with voicemail accessed through a university desk phone.

Request to suspend or deactivate cellular service to a university-issued and managed device.

Request a PIN reset for accessing voicemail or other phone mailbox settings on an Elon desk phone.

Report an issue accessing a shared drive on the Elon University network.

Annual letters of agreement are available in OnTrack for full-time faculty and salaried staff. Faculty and staff are notified when the letter of agreement is available and are asked to approve or decline the agreement.

Request an update to a university desk phone extension.