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Services or Offerings?
Submit Titanium feature requests, ask for assistance with web components and database updates, or request access though AppsAnywhere

CourseLink helps to facilitate and record the relationships between academic service learning (ASL) courses and the community partner organizations that students work with to complete the service component of the course.

Request the creation of a SharePoint Team Site.

Digital signage gives the University community an opportunity to visually communicate events, announcements, and other information to the faculty, staff, students, and visitors.

Tickers are specialized format displays that often consist of multiple displays put together to form a virtual ribbon. The use varies by location; examples include the tickers in the KoBC; Sankey and outside McEwen.

Video walls are large format displays that often consist of multiple displays put together. The use varies by location; examples include the screens in the Great Hall, Snow Atrium, and the front-facing wall inside the Student Professional Development Center (among others throughout campus).

Request a new feature, form, or workflow in SharePoint.

Report an issue with a SharePoint Team Site or a SharePoint-powered form.