Check or Change Your Profile Information


To access your profile information, follow the My Profile link near the top right of the screen. Your profile details are displayed in the main content area.

View/Update Profile
  1. From your profile page, select Edit. The information on the page becomes editable.
  2. Update your information as needed.
  3. Select Save to update your profile details.
View/Manage Email Notifications
  1. From your profile page, open the Take Action on User menu and follow the Manage System Emails link. The page displays the types of email notifications you are eligible to receive. For each notification type, there is an Opt Out check box. You receive notifications if their Opt Out boxes are not checked.
  2. To stop receiving a particular type of email notification, check its Opt Out box. To start receiving a notification that you do not currently receive, uncheck its Opt Outbox.
  3. Select the Update System Email Options button to save your choices. The page presents a message stating that your changes have been saved.
Change Password

You can create easy-to-remember, secure passwords by running two words together.

If your password is managed externally, the site does not offer the password change capability.

Your new password cannot be your user name and cannot be any of your previous six passwords. Additional restrictions may apply depending on the password policy established by your site administrator.

  1. From the Take Action on User menu, select Manage Password. The Manage Password page opens.
  2. Enter your new password in the Password field.
  3. Enter your new password again in the Password confirmation field.
  4. Select the Reset Password button. After you have changed your password, a message notifies you that your password was successfully changed.

If you supply a new password that does not conform to your site's password policy, you receive an on-screen message telling you what is wrong. Enter a valid password, confirm the new password, and select the Reset Password button. The system tells you when you successfully enter and confirm a valid password.

Change Which Module is Active When You Log In

Depending on your permissions and the modules that your site uses, you may have access to more than one module of the HR Suite, and you may be able to choose which one is active when you log in.

  1. From your profile page, select Edit Profile. The information on the page becomes editable.
  2. From the Default Product Module list in the Preferences section, select the module that you want to open when you log in.
  3. Select Save to update your default module.


Access/Change Group Assignments
  1. From the Take Action on User menu, select Request Group Change. The page presents your assigned groups and pending group assignments (those you have requested that have not yet been approved). You may withdraw or change your request for any pending group assignment
  2. From the drop-down list below your assigned and requested groups, select the group you wish to join. Then select Request New Group. The New Group Assignment page presents details for your selected group, including the group name, scope, and organizational unit.
  3. Select at least one appropriate organizational unit. If the page allows only one selection, you must explicitly select it. If you do not select at least one organizational unit, this group of permissions will not take effect.
  4. Select Request Group Assignment to complete your request, or select Cancel if you do not wish to make the request. This returns you to your list of approved and pending group assignments. If you requested the group assignment rather than canceling, the new request is included on this page. The request is also added to the inbox of any site administrator who can manage profiles.
Change a Pending Group Assignment Request
  1. From the list of your pending group assignment requests, select Edit Request. The page presents the details for the group, and allows you to change any editable information.
  2. When you have made the changes you want, select Update Group Assignment. The updated request is added to the inbox of any site administrator who can manage profiles.
Withdraw a Request to be Added to a Group

From the list of your pending group assignment requests, select the Withdraw Request link for the group assignment request you wish to withdraw. The request no longer appears on your Group Assignments page or in the inbox of administrative users who have access to manage profiles.

Change Preferred Group on Login

By default, you log in as a member of the Employee group, which has minimal permissions. If you have been assigned to other groups, you can specify the group in which you are active at login. Some tasks require you to log in using a group with specific permissions, so you may need to change your preferred group to be able to complete your tasks.

  1. From your profile page, select Edit Profile. The information on the page becomes editable.
  2. Following your personal information, your Preferred Group on Login is presented. If you have been assigned to any groups in addition to Employee, they are available as a pull-down list. Select the group in which you need to be active at login.
  3. Select Save to update your preferred group information.


Article ID: 76369
Thu 4/18/19 12:49 PM
Fri 8/4/23 9:30 AM
Internal or External

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AppTrack is Elon’s online position management and applicant tracking system for staff employees.