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Services or Offerings?
Report an issue to the Technology Service Desk when you are unsure what isn't working correctly or are unable to find it under another category.

Submit a general request to the Technology Service Desk when you are unsure what to ask for or are unable to find it under another category.

Digication is a simple and straightforward online application that enables you to archive and share your academic work and reflections through the creation of one or more online portfolios.

CourseLink helps to facilitate and record the relationships between academic service learning (ASL) courses and the community partner organizations that students work with to complete the service component of the course.

The Wellness Walking Challenge website lets faculty and staff participants track walking progress and work towards milestones.

If Allied World/FrameWRX does not recognize your Elon email address, submit a request for access to the security training.

Request permission to use the Public Account Creation site to create temporary accounts for community members, official university visitors, or Elon faculty and staff who have not yet received their official Elon email login accounts. Access to this site is highly restricted to designated staff at Belk Library, the Law School, and the Technology Service Desk.

A mobile hotspot is a feature on most smartphones that enables you to share the phone's data connection with other Wi-Fi devices (e.g., laptops, tablets). While some university-sponsored cellular plans include mobile hotspots, others do not.

The Conference Registration Request service is specifically for conferences or events that require payment. If you need to create a conference or event registration page that does not include payment, we recommend using Qualtrics.

Report an issue with a desk phone.

Faculty may submit a request for a loaner laptop to assist with online instruction during COVID-19 response.

Request a key fob for use with DUO Security multi-factor authentication.

One-on-one technology consulting is available to help evaluate your academic and administrative needs and pair those needs with possible technology solutions.

Elon’s blog service, located at, utilizes the WordPress platform to give Elon faculty, staff, and students an easy tool for online writing.

Request an increase in storage capacity for your Syncplicity account.