Extend a Submission Deadline in an Assignment for a Single Student

1.) In the top-left side of the header, click the green pencil icon to turn editing on

An image of the gear icon expanded, labeled 1, and turn editing on labeled 2.

2.) Click on the assignment name

An example assignment, with the assignment name circled.

3.) Beside the assignment name, click on the gear icon (1) and click 'User overrides' (2)

Next to the assignment name, click the gear icon, labeled 1,, and then user overrides, labeled 2.

4.) Click 'Add user override'

An example of the location of add user override, which has been circled.

5.) Select the appropriate override options and click 'Save'

An example of user overrides with numbers corresponding to the text below the image. 1 is override user; 2 is allow submissions from; 3 is due date; 4 is cut-off date; and 5 is save.

  1. Override user: Search for user and select user from menu.
  2. Allow submissions from: Check the box beside 'Enable' and choose the appropriate date that the assignment will open for submissions.
  3. Due date: Check the box beside 'Enable' and choose the appropriate due date.
  4. Cut-off date: Check the box beside 'Enable' and choose the appropriate cut-off date. Choosing a cut-off date allows students to submit an assignment late. The cut-off date and time is the deadline for a late assignment submission. Students will not be allowed to submit an assignment after the cut-off date.
  5. Click 'Save'.


Article ID: 78682
Tue 5/21/19 10:05 AM
Wed 5/1/24 4:32 PM
Internal or External

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