Extend a Submission Deadline in an Assignment for a Group

Extending a submission deadline for a group may be helpful if you are linking courses together and are using groups. Some instructors may want to extend a submission deadline for one class or group of students because the class is held on a different day and time than the primary course for which the assignment is linked to.

1.) In the top-right side of the header, click the button to turn editing on 

2.) Click the the three dots next to the assignment name and select 'Edit settings'


3.) Click 'More' underneath the banner and select 'Overrides'

4.) Select the appropriate override options by using the left drop down to change to group overrides then confirming by selecting the solid maroon button on the right.


  1. Override group: Choose the group from the drop-down menu.
  2. Allow submissions from: Check the box beside 'Enable' and choose the appropriate date that the assignment will open for submissions.
  3. Due date: Check the box beside 'Enable' and choose the appropriate due date.
  4. Cut-off date: Check the box beside 'Enable' and choose the appropriate cut-off date. Choosing a cut-off date allows students to submit an assignment late. The cut-off date and time is the deadline for a late assignment submission. Students will not be allowed to submit an assignment after the cut-off date.
  5. Click 'Save' or 'Save and enter another override'.
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