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    Walks you through how to access the Forum Summary Report which outlines student participation within a forum in the LMS.
    This article discusses how to add an extra credit assignment in your Moodle course.
    Create assignments in Moodle.
    Outlines how to add a graded item (column) in Moodle.
    Set up a Moodle gradebook with weighted grades.
    Outlines how to add a grade category in Moodle.
    This article describes how to synchronize their Moodle calendar events with their Outlook calendar.
    Easy way to grade essay questions in Moodle.
    Hypothesis is a collaborative annotation tool that is available inside of Moodle via the "External tool" activity in Moodle.
    This article summarizes how to add a checklist activity to a Moodle course and reviews the settings for the new Moodle plugin.
    This article describes uses for the Learning Map plugin and how to set up a Learning Map activity in your Moodle course.
    This article discusses best practices for creating accessible text content, such as documents, links, headings, tables, and equations, within your Moodle course.
    This article discusses best practices for creating accessible media content, such as images, video, and audio files, within your Moodle course.
    Helpful information about getting started with Moodle.
    Walks you through how to grade forums in the LMS.