Needs Grade Report

This report displays work students have submitted that needs to be graded in Moodle.

1.) To access this report, click on 'Analytics' from your main Moodle homepage

An image showing the location of the analytics link, which has been circled.

2.) Click on 'Reports' and then click on 'Needs Grading Report'

An image of the reports link, circled and labeled 1, and the needs grading link, circled and labeled 2.

3.) Click on the first drop-down menu and select the course you'd like to view the student data for

An image of the drop-down mentioned in this step, which has been circled.

  • Click the check box to the left of the course and click "OK."

4.) The report will then display

An example image of the report, with 1 (circled) being the view dropwn, 2 being the next button, and 3 being the view link.

  1. To see more than ten (10) student submissions at a time, click the drop-down menu and select a different amount.
  2. To go to the next page of student submissions, click the "Next" button.
  3. To grade the student work in Moodle, click the "View" button.
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