Import Grades from a CSV File into Moodle

You can import grades into Moodle from a CSV. You can create your spreadsheet in Excel and then select "File" and "Save As" and save the file as a Comma Separated Values (.csv). Files must be saved as a CSV in order to import the grades directly into Moodle.

1.) Your CSV should be formatted the following way:

An example CSV file.

  • Column A should contain the header 'username' and the remaining columns should contain the names of the assignments, quizzes, or grades.
  • After you have set up your CSV and saved it as a CSV, enter you Moodle course.

2.) In your Moodle course, click on 'Grades' from the Administration block

An image of the administration block, with grades circled.

3.) Once in grades, click on 'Import' and then select 'CSV file'

An image of the grades section, with the import tab circled and csv file link circled.

4.) Drag and drop your saved CSV file into the 'Import file' box in Moodle

An image of the drag and drop import file screen, with 1 as the drag and drop field and 2 as the upload grades button.

  • After you upload your CSV file, click 'Upload grades.'
  • Do not worry about any of the other settings, they are not important at this time.

5.) If you file was imported successfully, you will see a preview of your import

An image of a successful import preview.

6.) Next, identify the user by selecting 'Username' for both 'Map from' and 'Map to'

An image of the identify user section.

7.) In the 'Grade item mapping', specify where you would like the grades to go in the Grader Report by using the drop down menu

An image of the grade item mapping section.

  • For the username always select "Ignore" since you do not need to add your students username into the gradebook.
  • If you already have a quiz, assignment, or grade item already added to Moodle, you will want to select the appropriate one from the drop-down menu.
  • If you would like Moodle to create a new column for you, select 'new grade item' from the drop-down menu.
  • When you have finished, click the 'Upload grades' button.
  • The grades will then reflect in the grader report.
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