Grade Forums in Moodle

1.) Navigate to the forum you wish to grade in your Moodle course

2.) Once students have submitted to the forum, you will see a 'Grade Users' button, click that button to grade the forum posts

Image of "Forum Grader Demonstration" with "Grade users" button circled

3.) You will be taken to the forum grader where you will see posts from one student at a time

Image of forum

4.) If you wish to view the entire discussion that the student participated in, click the 'View discussion' button under their post

Image of forum with "View discussion" button in the bottom left is circled

5.) Simple direct grading is the default grading option for a forum, you will see the space to grade the forum post directly to the right of the student response

Image of student grading

However, instructors can use a rubric or a grading guide to grade forum posts. The option to change the grading type is within the settings of a forum.

6.) If you wish to notify the student that you have graded their forum post, click the radio button next to 'Yes, send notification to student'

Image of "Notifications" section with the option to "Yes, send notification to student" or "No"

7.) Use the right and left arrow button to navigate between students in order to grade their forum posts

Image of navigating between students

8.) When you have finished grading all of the student posts, click the 'Close' button in the upper right-hand corner of the page

Image of close button

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