Upload to Kaltura from your OneDrive

1.) Log into Moodle

2.) Navigate to the course area you are uploading your video, such as an Assignment or a Discussion Forum

3.) Click the Kaltura Media button

This image shows the Kaltura Media button, which has been circled.

  • If you don't see the Kaltura icon, click on "Show more buttons" on the right-hand side of the toolbar (the downward pointing arrow).

4.) On the popup screen, you can select previously uploaded videos, or click 'Add New' and select 'Import from OneDrive' - if you are selecting a previously uploaded video, proceed to Step 9

The Kaltura "Add new" dropdown menu

5.) Click 'Choose a file to upload'

An image of the choose a file to upload button.

6.) Give permission for Kaltura to access your OneDrive by clicking 'Accept'

The Microsoft permissions required screen

7.)Select your file and click 'Open'

The media selection box

8.) Your file will upload, once completed fill out the Name, Description, and any applicable Tags.  Then click 'Save', and click 'Save and Embed'.

An image of the details page to fill out.

9.) For previously uploaded videos, click 'Embed' next to the video


10.) Click 'Submit' or 'Post to forum'

An image of the screen with the submit button.

11.) Congratulations! Your video has been uploaded and embedded successfully in your course!

For a full list of Kaltura How-to Videos, click here.

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