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Kaltura is an easy way to share videos at Elon. Kaltura is different from other video platforms, like YouTube, in a few important ways.
- Kaltura works within Moodle, so you and your students don’t have to leave Moodle
- Media saved on personal One Drive can be uploaded directly into Kaltura
- Kaltura is private and your videos are only available to Elon users within your Moodle courses
- There are no advertisements to distract from your content
- Tools are included to help you record and create videos and screencasts
- Detailed analytics let you know who watched it and how much they watched
- Videos are automatically transcribed making it easier to edit and add closed captions to your videos
Access Kaltura
Available To
Faculty, Staff, Students
Benefits & Key Features
Kaltura supports many of the ways video is used in blended, flipped and online classes. Here are a few examples of how Kaltura can be leveraged in an academic setting.
- Record a microlecture to move material out-of-class allowing for more activities in-class
- Integrate a quiz within your video to keep students attention and check their understanding
- Record audio or video feedback on student work
- Record a screencast that demonstrates how to use an application or website
- Assign students a video presentation or digital story that they create and share in a Moodle assignment or forum
- Introduce yourself and the course content with an introductory video at the start of the semester
- Create video modules that enable students to work through course material at their own pace
There is no cost to use this service.
Kaltura is integrated into Moodle.