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    Services or Offerings?
    Request extended access to services for Law School graduates studying for the Bar Exam.

    Request an Elon Account for student employees and vendors or make changes to your own.

    Report an issue to the Technology Service Desk when you are unsure what isn't working correctly or are unable to find it under another category.

    Submit a general request to the Technology Service Desk when you are unsure what to ask for or are unable to find it under another category.

    This service is used by Human Resources staff when an update to information listed in Elon's online Faculty & Staff Directory is required.

    Request a new Raiser's Edge NXT custom process, or request an update to an existing process.

    Request student access for a faculty/staff printer.

    Tickers are specialized format displays that often consist of multiple displays put together to form a virtual ribbon. The use varies by location; examples include the tickers in the KoBC; Sankey and outside McEwen.

    Video walls are large format displays that often consist of multiple displays put together. The use varies by location; examples include the screens in the Great Hall, Snow Atrium, and the front-facing wall inside the Student Professional Development Center (among others throughout campus).

    Request for a website URL to be safelisted for use on the campus network.

    Learn more about the IT Knowledge Base and the how-to articles available to you.

    Learn more about the IT Service Catalog and how to use it to submit requests.

    Get support with the 25Live scheduling and event-publishing system.

    Academic Announcements is an app that feeds data into the Hometown News Releases website. The Hometown News Releases site offers a way for students and parents to publicize their Commencement, President’s List, and Dean’s List achievements.

    AcceptD is the digital platform that Elon University's Department of Performing Arts uses as an initial screening process (pre-screen) for the in-person audition/interview.