Elon Account Request

The Elon Account assigned to all faculty, staff, and students is used to access Elon email, as well as other applications, and remains active for alumni and retirees. You may need to request username changes or new accounts for student employees or vendors completing work for the university.

Please note:

  • Students requesting account reactivations following a leave of absence should contact the Office of the Dean of Students.
  • Faculty/Staff requesting account reactivations following a leave of absence should contact Human Resources.
  • Faculty/Staff requesting guest accounts should use the Guest Wireless and Computer Access service.

To request Elon Account changes or a new account, select "Submit a Request" and complete the form.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students, Retirees, Alumni

Benefits & Key Features

  • Request username changes after your name change has been processed with HR or Registrar's Office
  • Reactivate your Elon Account (alumni only)
  • Request an Elon Account for student employees or vendors (faculty/staff only)


There is no cost to use this service.

Submit a Request

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