I want to request something. Nothing is broken or working incorrectly.

The Technology Service Desk will review these requests and may contact you for more information. Please provide as much detail as possible in the description field when submitting this ticket. If there is a specific service available for your request, you may be asked to complete the appropriate form. This is the right service for you if the following are true:

  • I want to request something but I'm unsure exactly what I'm looking for.
  • My request is not related to anything working incorrectly or broken.
  • I can't find what I'm looking for in another category on the self-service portal.
  • My request is not an emergency.

Before submitting a general request, let's see if your request falls under any of the most common requests. If so, select the specific service to submit a ticket.

If you are unable to find the type of request you need to submit under any other category, select "Submit a Request" and complete the form.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Benefits & Key Features

  • Submit a general request when you are unsure of what you need or are unable to find it under another category


There is no cost associated with this service

Submit a Request

Related Articles (1)

Submit a ticket from the IT Self-Service Portal.

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