Create a Video Quiz Using Kaltura

If you would like the video quiz to display directly on your course homepage, add the video in through a Label.

If you would not like the video to display directly on your course homepage, but instead have students click off of the main course homepage to view it, add the Video Quiz through a Page.

These instructions are for faculty only.

For a full list of Kaltura How-to Videos, click here.

1.) Enter your Moodle course and click 'Add an activity or resource' in the topic where you would like the video to display

An image with the add an activity or resource link circled.

2.) Click 'External Tool'

An arrow pointing to the "External tool" option

3.) Click the Kaltura Media button in the "Activity description" box

You will need to expand the page to show the Activity Description box.  You can do this by clicking "Show more".

The Kaltura icon is circled

4.) This will bring up 'My Media' files - Click "Add New" the click "Video Quiz"

The blue "Add new" button

  • NOTE: You must have the video you wish to use already uploaded to your "My Media" files.  For step-by-step instructions on how to upload a video, please see this KnowledgeBase article.

5.) Select the video you wish to use to make the quiz

Selecting a view from the media gallery

6.) To create questions, begin by pressing the 'Play' button to start the video

The play button near the center is circled

7.) When you reach the location for a question in the video, press pause, click the blue "Add a Question", and then select a question type

The "Add a question" button is circled

  • To jump around the video, move the video slider to different locations of the video file.

8.) Fill out the form to generate the question

A screen with fields available for the specified question type

  1. Shuffle - This button will shuffle the order answers will appear.
  2. Add a Question Here - Place the quiz question here.
  3. Add the CORRECT Answer Here - Place the correct answer here.
  4. Add Answers - Add additional slots of "Add Additional Answer Here" (incorrect answer choices).
  5. Hint/Why Button - Gives you the option to add hints to questions or offer explanations of the correct answers.
  6. Save - Click this to save your question.

9.) Your question will now appear in the video timeline:

An arrow pointing to a previously added question in the video timeline

10.) Repeat Steps 7-8 until you have added all the questions required for the video quiz

11.) Update your quiz settings using the drop down menus to the left of the video player

A screen with options to manage the quiz

12.) When all questions are created, click the 'Preview Quiz' icon in the bottom right of the video player - This will allow you to preview and test your quiz for accuracy

The quiz preview screen

13.) Once satisfied with the quiz, click 1) 'Done' and then 2) 'Save and Embed'

A screen with numbers corresponding to: 1. Done, and 2. Save embed

14.) Preview the quiz, then click 'Embed'

A screen with the quiz preview and an arrow pointing to the "Embed" button

15.) The quiz is now embedded into your Moodle activity

A screen with an example embedded quiz information

16.) Make sure you select the 'Display activity description when launched' checkbox before proceeding

The "Display activity description" checkbox is circled

17.) Finish filling out the form and click either 'Save and return to course' or 'Save and display'

A screen with options on saving the quiz

Congratulations! You have successfully created a Video Quiz in Moodle using Kaltura!

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