Add a Video to MediaSpace using Kaltura

These instructions are aimed at Law School Faculty.

1.) Log into MediaSpace at

2.) Click 'Add New' and select 'Media Upload'

An image of the Add New dropdown expanded and Media Upload circled.

3.) Click 'Choose a file to upload' and select the file you want to upload

The Media uploaded dialog box with the ability to drag or select media

4.) After the file has finished uploading, fill out the form, click 'Save'

An image with name labeled 1; description labeled 2; tags labeled 3; and permissions labeled 4; with the save button circled.

  1. Enter a title for your video.
  2. Enter a description for your video.
  3. Enter any tags you wants associated with your video.
  4. Select your Privacy settings for the video.

5.) Click 'Go To My Media' to view your uploaded file

An image with the Go to My Media link circled.

Congratulations! You have successfully uploaded a video file to MediaSpace using Kaltura!


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Kaltura is an easy way to share videos at Elon.

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