1.) To access this report, click on 'Analytics' from your main Moodle homepage

2.) Click on 'Reports' (1) and then click on 'Forum Posts Performance' (2)

3.) Click the first drop-down menu and select the course you'd like to view the student data for

- Click the check box to the left of the course and click "OK."
4.) Depending on which type of forum you have in your course, you may need to use the second drop-down menu to select that forum

- In our Moodle installation, we have three forum types installed. Our analytics tool can only pull from two of the three. You can pull this report for the "Forum" tool or for the "Moodleroom Forum" tool.
- This report cannot be pulled for the "ForumNG Forum" tool.
5.) The report will then display the Report Data Columns

Available Report Data Columns:
- Course Name
- Forum Name
- Average number of Posts per Month
- Average number of Posts per Week
- Average number of Posts per Day
- Most Active Time of Day
- Most Active Time of Month
- Most Active Day