AppsAnywhere - FAQ


AppsAnywhere software FAQ.


No apps are found. Where are my apps?

  • Click on "View all apps" or in the search box, type in the name of the application.


Can I download AppsAnywhere on my personal device or Elon-Managed Devices?

Why are certain applications grayed out or unavailable?

  • All application availability is determined by each individual vendor licensing with the University. If you feel you should have access to an application, please submit a request.
  • If you are on an Elon-managed device and some applications are still not available, download and run this file. You may need to log off and log into Appsanywhere for this to show applications.

The AppsAnywhere Validation has failed, how do I fix this?

  • Computer lab:
    • Refresh the web browser. 
    • Click the blue icon in the top right-hand corner and select " Re-validate " from the drop-down menu.
  • Elon-owned or personal device:
    • Refresh the web browser. 
    • Click the blue icon in the top right-hand corner and select " Re-validate " from the drop-down menu.
    • Clear all cookies from the web browser and try again.
    • Try using incognito or privacy mode in the web browser.

  • A successful validation will display a green check mark in the lower left-hand corner.


When you log into AppsAnywhere for the first time, you must install the AppsAnywhere client and Cloudpaging player. 

  • Your browser may prompt you to open the launcher, If it does, check the box to "Always open these types of links in the associated app" and click "Open AppsAnywhere Launcher".

An image of a prompt asking the user to open AppsAnywhere Launcher

When I launch an application, nothing happens. What should I do?

  • The application and the Cloudpaging Player may remain hidden behind the browser window. If so, the application can be accessed by clicking the icon on the taskbar or by minimizing the browser window.

How do I reinstall the AppsAnywhere client on my personal computer?

  • First, log out of the AppsAnywhere portal and uninstall the AppsAnywhere client and Cloudpaging Player.
    • On a Windows machine, you can uninstall applications under "Add or remove programs".
    • On a Mac, programs can be removed or uninstalled from "Applications".  (Under the Applications>AppsAnywhere>AppsAnywhere Uninstaller)
  • After the uninstall is complete, reboot and log into AppsAnywhere again.
  • In the top right-hand corner, click the blue icon and from the drop-down menu, select "Download the client" to reinstall AppsAnywhere.

  • Run the AppsAnywhere installer

  • In the top right-hand corner, click the blue icon and from the drop-down menu, then select "Re-validate".




Article ID: 84210
Thu 8/1/19 12:59 PM
Wed 10/2/24 3:19 PM
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