Using AppsAnywhere

AppsAnywhere is the new way to launch select software in labs and personal computers across campus. The applications you have access to will be displayed on the portal. You can also search or view applications that you have marked as a Favorite.

To start, place your mouse on top of one of the applications you want to access.

An image of available apps in AppsAnywhere

You can mark it as a Favorite by clicking on the star icon, and launch the application by clicking on the "Launch" button.

An image of the Favorites bar (labeled 1) and the launch button (labeled 2).

Launching an application

Once you've launched an application, you can follow its progress through the Cloudpaging Player.

Status: Virtualizing

The "Launch" and "Stop" buttons are both greyed out. The necessary data will be transferred, and the program will be ready to start.

An image of the cloudpaging player.

Status: Ready

The "Launch" button is green, and the "Stop" button is greyed out. All data has been downloaded, and the application is ready to start. Once downloaded, you should be able to locate the program under the "Start" menu.

Image of the cloudpaging player.

Status: Running

The "Launch" button is green, and the "Stop" button is red. The application is started and running.

 Image of the cloudpaging player.

Managing Applications

You can manage them multiple applications are once by opening the Cloudpaging Player, which can be found in your "Start" menu. You can also start and stop applications here. Just select the application you want to start or stop, and click "Launch" or "Stop."

Example of cloudpaging player, with an example application (labeled 1), the launch button (labeled 2), and the stop button (labeled 3).

You can also remove programs that you no longer wish to see in your menu by opening the Cloudpaging Player through the "Start" menu or bottom toolbar. Select the application you want to remove from the list, and click the Remove button. You can always log in to the portal and start the program again if you choose.

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Article ID: 84224
Thu 8/1/19 3:06 PM
Thu 6/20/24 6:40 AM
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Request the installation of AppsAnywhere, a leading software deployment solution, in a PC computer lab on Elon's campus.
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