Activate Duo Security's 72-Hour Remember Me Feature on Upon Authentication

1.) To select the 72-Hour Remember Me feature upon authentication, log into the single sign on web application with your Elon email username and password. 

The Elon University sign in screen with fields for username and password

2a.) Click the checkbox beside "Remember me for 72 hours," which is located under your authentication options. Then, select how you will authenticate using Duo Security (e.g. a push to the mobile app, a landline phone call, an SMS text passcode, etc.). 

The "remember me for 72 Hours" checkbox is checked

2b.) If you enabled automatic authentication, you will need to first select Cancel at the bottom right of the authentication prompt before you can select the "Remember me for 72 hours" checkbox.

The option to select cancel on an automatic authentication method

3.) After authenticating, you will be logged into the web application. The 72-Hour Remember Me feature will continue for future logins. 


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