East Commons 102

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Located on the first floor of East Commons, this space operates as a meeting space. This space includes a Panasonic projector, a drop down projector screen, a Crestron touch panel, and HDMI connections in both the front and back of the room. 

How to Use Room: Base-Level Operations

  1. Tap Touch Panel to turn on all connecting technology in the room. 
  2. Wait 20 seconds for Touch Panel to warm up and become operational.
  3. You can then turn on and/or operate all technology from the Touch Panel.
  4. To power off all systems, press the Off button in the lower right hand corner of the Touch Panel. 
  The Touch Panel is responsible for running the electronic equipment in the room.  Every device is in some way connected to this control panel, therefore, if you encounter issues or simply need to work the technology in the room, go directly to the panel.


Available Technology

Below is a list of all the available technology located in room 102. 

Equipment  Manufacturer  Model/Type 
1.) Projector Panasonic PT-MZ20KLBU7
2.) Touch Panel  Crestron TSW-770-W-S
3.) Projector Screen Draper Access V
4.) Speakers Renkus Heinz ICC4/3-RD1-CC
5.) AirMedia Crestron AM 3200


1.) Crestron Touch Panel

Basic Operating Instructions

Crestron Touch Panel Home Screen

  1. Tap the screen to turn on system 
  2. The screen will ask you to wait for while it warms
  3. Select whichever button on the left hand side you would prefer to use.
  4.   Each button also has an on-screen instruction guide for further help/information.
  5. To turn the system off, press the OFF button in the lower right corner of the touch panel. 

2.) AirMedia

Crestron Airmedia Controls

  1. Tap the AirMedia tab on the touch screen. 
  2. When the AirMedia screen is displayed, either enter the IP address in the bottom left of the screen into a web browser on your personal device, or enter in the IP address directly to the AirMedia software on your personal device.
    1. If you have not used AirMedia before, you will have to download the software onto your device. Follow the prompts on your screen which loads after you enter the IP address into your browser.
  3. The software will ask for a room code. This is a 4 digit code that can be found on the bottom left side of the displayed screen, underneath the IP address.
  4. Once you begin presenting, you can use the Crestron AirMedia application on your device to control your presentation.
  5. To stop presenting, click the disconnect button.

3.) Projector Control

Crestron Projector Controls

       1. Touch the touch screen control to turn on the projector.

        2. Use the touch screen control to mute the projector.

        3. Turn the projector off by pressing the System Off button located on the top-right side of the touch screen control.

Crestron Shutdown Prompt

4.) Laptop Control (HDMi)

Crestron Control Panel with HDMi tab

  1. Tap on the HDMi tab on the touch screen.
  2. Plug in your device using an HDMI cable into either the front or rear wall plate.
  3. Ensure that your device is on.

5.) Roku Control

Crestron Touch Panel with Roku Control

  1.  Select Roku tab located on the left side of the Crestron Panel
  2. Use the buttons located on the Crestron to navigate the Roku screen
  3.  Select what channel you would like to view

6.) Wired Microphone Control

Crestron touch panel with wired microphone control

  1. There may be a wired microphone in the cabinet. If not, microphones are avaiable for checkout at Media Services.
  2. To use a wired microphone, press the Wired Mics button on the touch panel.
  3. Next, plug your microphone into one of the two XLR input wall plates, pictured above. One wall plate is located below the touch panel, the other in the back row of seats.
  4. Use the touch panel controls to adjust volume and mute your microphone as necessary.
  5. To utilize two wired microphones, plug one into each XLR plate.