Integrating Poll Everywhere with Moodle

Poll Everywhere can be integrated into individual Moodle courses, allowing instructors to sync their course rosters and graded activities with the Moodle gradebook.

Poll Everywhere has detailed instructions on how to perform both of these tasks, so please access the "Moodle LTI Advantage 1.3 Usage Guide for Educators" on the Poll Everywhere website for more on how to sync course rosters and Poll Everywhere activities. 

Please note that when you are syncing your course rosters, you will need to connect to Poll Everywhere via the External Tool activity, as there is no Poll Everywhere activity in Moodle at this time (Step 4 in the linked article above).

The Moodle activity chooser with the External Tool activity circled in orange.

Once you have selected "External Tool" from the "Add an activity or resource" screen, you will select "Poll Everywhere" from the list of preconfigured tools. 

The external tool with a menu of preconfigured tools displayed and Poll Everywhere highlighted in blue.

Once you have completed this step, you can follow the instructions as explained in the Poll Everywhere article.