Manage Your Syncplicity Files using the Syncplicity Program

Syncplicity is being phased out as the university's data backup solution. All faculty and staff should begin transitioning to Microsoft OneDrive for data backup. If you have additional questions, please contact the Technology Service Desk.

I. Manage Folders

To view folders from your Syncplicity account:

  1. Click the Syncplicity icon The syncplicity logo in your Taskbar.
  2. Click Manage Folders in the Taskbar Panel.
  3. Syncplicity shows the Manage Folders window.

TIP: You can double-click any folder to view its contents in Explorer.

The manage folders window with the list of synced folders

II. All Folders

This is an image of what happens when you click the drop-down for All Folders.

  • When you click this drop-down menu, you have the ability to specify the folders you want to view based on location. You can view All Folders in Syncplicity, folders that reside on your university-owned computer, or folders that may have been saved elsewhere and currently reside in the Cloud.

III. Private and shared

This is an image of the drop-down when you click Private and shared.

  • When you click this drop-down menu, you have the ability to specify the folders you want to view based on permissions. You can view files and folders you have designated as Private and shared; view only files and folders you have designated as Private; or view only files and folders you have designated as Shared.

IV. Stop synchronization

  • Clicking 'Stop synchronization' will disable Syncplicity from synchronizing any of your data to the cloud.
  • If synchronization has stopped, it will be replaced with a 'Sync to this computer' button. Click this button to have Syncplicity sync files and folders to and from your account in the cloud.

V. Share folder

  • Clicking this button will automatically launch your default web browser and open a page to specify the sharing capabilities for a particular file or folder, as seen below:

This is an image of the page you will see when wanting to share folders.

  • On this page, you have the ability to designate which users you wish to share a particular folder with. Further, you can add entire groups by searching the my Syncplicity company directory.
  • There are two types of permissions you can set for shared files: Reader, which will enable users to only read files; and Editor, which will enable users to read and edit shared files.

VI. More options...

This is an image of what you will see when you click more options.

  • Clicking the 'More options...' drop-down folder, you are presented with several options:
  • Delete folder - Delete the selected folder from Syncplicity
  • Exclude subfolders - Remove subfolders from Synciplicity
  • Browse online - View the folder through the Syncplicity Web Access (link to that homepage)
  • Open in explorer - View the contents of a folder in the Windows Explorer window
  • View storage details - View storage details
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