Syncplicity is being phased out as the university's data backup solution. All faculty and staff should begin transitioning to Microsoft OneDrive for data backup. If you have additional questions, please contact the Technology Service Desk.
The Syncplicity app gives users the opportunity to share files and folders through their mobile devices. Simply select the folder or file you want to share and tap the vertical ellipsis icon.
1.) Tap the vertical ellipsis icon ⋮ to the right of a folder. This opens the context menu.

2.) Tap the Share Link option
3.) To email the link, choose Email Shared Link. This action prompts you to enter your recipients’ email addresses. You can also enter the text below the address box. The text is included in the email along with the generated link.

4.) Select Copy Shared Link to generate a URL, which you can paste into an Email, instant message, web page, or any other place where you can place a text web link.

This requires you to have an email address configured through your mobile device's native email app. For iOS users, this would be the Apple Mail client.