Upload Files in the Syncplicity App

Syncplicity is being phased out as the university's data backup solution. All faculty and staff should begin transitioning to Microsoft OneDrive for data backup. If you have additional questions, please contact the Technology Service Desk.

There are two ways to upload files to your Syncplicity account using the Syncplicity app. To upload other files, you will need to send them to the Syncplicity app from their native app (i.e., Pages, Numbers, Adobe Reader, etc.).

I. Photos and Videos

1.) Tap the + icon on main Navigation Bar

The menu options include:

The menu options are capture, upload, create, and record 

  • Select whether you want to capture new photo or video to upload, or if you want to choose existing photos or videos from your mobile device.

Menu options to select either from photos, or browse

The menu options include:

  • Photos. Allows you to select an existing photo or video on your device and upload it to a Syncplicity folder. 
  • Browse... Allows you to view recently opened documents and the apps on your device that are considered storage providers. 
  • One or more app names may appear in the menu. These app names are controlled by the Browse.. menu option.
  • Cancel - This allows you to exit the Upload.

2.) Specify the file details and tap 'Upload'

The upload file screen

  • Upload Destination folder: This is where you can specify where in your account Syncplicity should store the file.

II. Other Files

Open the file you wish to upload in its native app. In this example, we will upload a word processing document from Apple's Pages.

1.) Tap the Share icon and select 'Open in Another App'

This image shows the share icon (circled) and that you should select "Open in Another App" (arrow pointing).

2.) Select the format of your file (in this example, we may choose from Pages, PDF, Word, or ePub)

This is an image where you can select your file format.

3.) Once the document is converted, tap 'Choose App' and tap 'Open in Syncplicity'

This image tells you to select Choose App (circled) and then the arrow points to the Open in Syncplicity option.

4.) The document will open in Syncplicity so you can set the Destination Folder and file name, before completing the process by tapping 'Upload'

This is the final step where you should tap upload (circled).

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