Manage Your Syncplicity Files via Online Web Access

Syncplicity is being phased out as the university's data backup solution. All faculty and staff should begin transitioning to Microsoft OneDrive for data backup. If you have additional questions, please contact the Technology Service Desk.

Syncplicity provides an incredibly robust online system to allow users the simplest way of managing their important Elon data. In your files list, you will see a list of the data backed up to your Syncplicity account. Click on the options below to reveal more information.

Let's start with the four icons on the right-hand side of the toolbar, circled in the image below. We will review the icons from left to right.

From left to right, the upload, create folder, show edit mode, show deleted items are circled

I. Upload

Clicking this button will begin the process of uploading a file to your Syncplicity account. Simply select the file you wish to upload, and Syncplicity will do the rest. The file will automatically appear in your Files list.

II. Create Folder

Clicking this button will allow you to create a folder within your Syncplicity account. You will be prompted to enter a title for the folder in your Files list.

III. Show Edit Mode

Clicking this button will reveal boxes to the left of each item in your Files list. This will allow you to select multiple items to make changes to at once. Please note that the only option currently available for multiple items is to delete them from your Syncplicity account.

IV. Show Deleted Items

Clicking this button will reveal deleted items in your Files list. This may help if you delete data from Syncplicity on accident.

Now, let's take a look at the actions available at the center of the black toolbar, circled in the image below.

The download, share link, lock, and versions tabs circled

I. Download

Clicking this button will allow you to download the selected file or folder.

II. Share Link

Clicking this button will allow you to share a particular file or folder.

III. Lock

If you are working on a file with other collaborators, lock the file while you open or download it for editing. This ensures that no other users can apply changes to the master copy of a shared file and that your changes are saved to the master copy. 

IV. Versions

Clicking this button will reveal the different versions of the select file. If you want to go back to see an older draft of a working document, clicking this button may help.

This is an example of the Versions screen.

As you can see, Syncplicity provides users with the opportunity of restoring previous versions of files that have been updated.

V. Delete

Clicking this button will delete an item from your Syncplicity account. Please note that this action will remove the document from your Syncplicity account in ALL locations. This is NOT recommended, unless you are certain you no longer need the data in question.

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