Online Summer Courses: FAQs

FAQ's about online course offerings, cost, financial aid and computer requirements:

Q: What courses are offered?
A: A complete listing of online courses may be found in OnTrack.  Online courses are taught by the same expert faculty who teach in the classroom.

Q: Can I take both an on-campus course and an online course together?
A: Yes, but it is not recommended since online courses require a significant time commitment.

Q: What is the refund policy for online courses?
A: The refund policy for online courses is the same as with traditional courses, visit this site for more information:  Elon University / Undergraduate Admissions / Refunds & Returns to Title IV

Q: How do I register for an online course?
A: Follow the same registration procedures as for traditional courses.  Register in OnTrack.

Q: Will I have to come to campus during the course?
A: No. However, students may be asked to conduct research during the course.  Be sure to learn about the library databases and how to access them before leaving campus.  Go to  Professors also typically set up a face-to-face meeting before the end of spring term to meet students and find out about any constraints they may be dealing with during the online course (work schedules, traveling, etc.).

Q: How do I get a textbook or other supplementary materials?
A: Students should make arrangements through the campus bookstore to get textbooks and other supplementary materials before they leave campus.  Moodle may also have supplemental materials on reserve for use during class.  Some classes do not require the purchase of a book and use articles, movies (which can be rented from local movie-rental stores), or other supplementary materials, which can be purchased from Amazon.  These requirements and the syllabus are available in Moodle prior to registration.

Q: What if I have problems accessing my course?
A: Contact the Technology Service Desk at 336-278-5200 for problems accessing your course.

Q: Will I be given more time to complete the course if I have a hardware or software problem?
A: No, extensions will not be granted because of technical problems. We strongly encourage students to have a plan in case of computer trouble. Students traveling abroad have experienced trouble accessing a course in previous years.

FAQ's about Web-based course availability, grades, testing and time requirements:

Q: When can I begin the course, and how long do I have to complete the course?
A: Summer I and II online courses begin and end at the same time as traditional classes. Check  OnTrack for the beginning and ending dates.

Q: Will the course be available 24/7?

A: Yes.  It is good practice to log into the course daily and monitor the discussion boards, assignments and announcements.  Missing one or two online sessions is comparable to missing a week of face-to-face class. 

Q: How can I contact the professor?
A: Each professor who teaches an online course will have contact information in the course syllabus. This could include phone numbers, email, Skype availability and/or Instant Messenger contact hours.  If the professor has not responded to an email within 48 hours try another method to contact them such as IM or the phone.

Q: How do I get my grades?
A: As with traditional courses, final course grades are posted in OnTrack. Professors may place grades for specific assignments on their course website. Check with the instructor to see how grade information will be disseminated.

Q: How are tests and exams given, and how are assignments turned in?
A: Online courses require tests and exams to be given online. Generally, assignments are uploaded via Moodle.

Q: How much work will the course require?
A: Courses vary, as do traditionally taught courses.  Expect to dedicate at least 20 hours per week to complete an online course.

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During Summer Session I and II, Elon University offers online courses for currently enrolled undergraduate students.

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