Computer Specifications

Elon embraces a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) model and recommends that all students have a laptop computer for use in and out of the classroom. Hardware needs may vary based on a student's major. If a student knows their intended major, they should consult their school’s website to see if a specific laptop is recommended. If a student is unsure of their major, they can choose to bring or purchase a laptop based on these recommendations:

Laptop Windows Laptop Macintosh
Intel Core i5 Processor or higher Apple M1 Processor or higher
16 GB RAM or more 16 GB RAM or more
500 GB Hard Drive (256 GB minimum) 500 GB Hard Drive (256 GB minimum)
Windows 10 or 11

macOS Ventura (13 minimum) or later is recommended 

Wireless Card Wireless Card

The university maintains a reliable wireless network and many students also choose to bring smartphones or tablets. Most devices connect to the network easily and include, but are not limited to, iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Elon does not recommend one particular laptop, tablet, or smartphone over another.

Elon annually establishes recommendations for each new entering class. Broad specifications are announced by mid-May for students entering in the fall of the next academic year.

Recommended laptop accessories:

  • Additional power cord
  • HDMI cable
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