Cannon Pavilion 103

Room Summary

Image of room Image of room Image of media player



Located on the first floor of Cannon Pavilion, this room can be used as a classroom or a study room. It can hold 18 students when being used for classes.

How to Use Room: Base Level Operations

  1. Press the ON button on the control panel to turn on the projector.
  2. Select what input you wish to use (Laptop, DVD, VCR, or Aux).
  3. Turn the system off by pressing and holding the OFF button located to the right of the ON button on the control panel.
  4. The projector will also turn off.

Available Technology

Equipment Manufacturer Model/Type
Control Panel Crestron MPC-M20
Projector Panasonic PT-MZ880W
Projector Screen Da-Lite Cosmopolitan
Laptop Connectivity   VGA, Audio, Ethernet

1.) Control Panel (Crestron)

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Press the "Power On" button to activate system
    1. Select which input is desired (Laptop, DVD, VCR, Aux).
  2. Select "Display Mute" to hide the image. To deselect and show the image again click the "Display Mute" button once again.
    Photo of image mute option on the push button crestron control panel
  3. To turn off system, select the "Power Off" button. The light under the button will flash red while the system shuts down.
    Photo of power off option on push button crestron control

VGA instructions

  1. A laptop can be connected using the VGA cord (there is an adapter for MAC computers).

         Photo of VGA laptop display option on crestron control panel

DVD instructions

  1. DVD can be played with the JVC player located at the top of the equipment rack.

       Photo of DVD display option on crestron control panel

VCR instructions

  1. VCR can be played with the JVC located at the top of the equipment rack.

      Photo of VCR display option on crestron control panel

Auxiliary options

  1. Any other device can be connected using the AUX cord and displayed by selecting the "AUX" input option.

     Photo of AUX control option on crestron control panel


2.) Projector (Panasonic)


Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Once the control panel is used to turn on the system the projector will also be activated.
  2. The projector will turn off when the system is powered down from the control panel.

Additional Room Features

Floor Seating

Image of floor seating

  • Inside and to the left of the door, there is a large assortment of cushions and some stools for additional seating on the floor.

White Board Wall

  • Located at the front of the room, this wall can be used similarly to any white board.
    • Use caution when writing on the wall so as not to mistake which wall to use.

Cable Cubby

Photo of cable cubby and possible cable connections

  • Installed in the top of the instructor work station is a cable cubby which provides inputs for: 1) Electrical, 2) Composite, 3) VGA, 4) Ethernet, and 5) Audio cord for VGA
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