Carlton 224

Tags carlton

Room Summary 




Located on the second floor of Carlton, this room serves as a meeting room with seating available for 8 people. This meeting room includes a TV and a BluRay Player. 

Available Technology

Below is a list of all the available technology in Carlton 224.

Equipment Manufacturer  Model/Type 
TV  Sony  KDL-40V2500
Blu-Ray Player  Sony  BDP-S3200
Laptop Connectivity HDMI, VGA, Audio  


1.) TV (Sony)

Photo of remote for sony tv

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. To turn on TV, press the green POWER button in the top right corner of the remote.
  2. To change the channel, press the up and down arrows in the bottom right corner of the remote.
  3. To adjust the volume, press the up and down arrows in the bottom left corner of the remote.
  4. To turn off TV, press the green POWER button in the top right corner of the remote.


2.) Blu-Ray Player (Sony)

Photo of sony blue ray player Photo of remote for blue ray player

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Turn on the player by pressing the green POWER button in the top right corner of the remote or the top right corner of the player.
  2. To open the tray and insert disc, press the eject button in the top left corner of the remote or the top right corner of the player.
  3. Functions such as play, fast forward, rewind, and pause are located on the remote control.
  4. To turn off the player, press the green POWER button in the top right corner of the remote or the top right corner of the player.


Additional Room Features

  • 1 portable whiteboard

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