Manage Departmental Shared Drives on a Windows Device

When a departmental share is first created, only the administrator of the share (typically the department
head) has access to the share. There will be one parent folder, and underneath that a folder named
Share. See figure 1.

An example of the highest level of a department shared drive.

Figure 1: Default Department Share Structure

In order to administrate the network share, you must map the highest-level folder as a network drive. In
order to do this, you will need to go to your desktop and right-click on the Computer icon. A menu will
appear, and you will select Map Network Drive. See figure 2.

An image showing how you should select Map Network Drive...

Figure 2: Select Map Network Drive…

Once you have done this, a window will open entitled Map Network Drive. Here you can specify which
Windows drive this share will be attached to. It does not matter which you select, the default should be
fine. In the second field entitled Folder, you will need to enter your share path. For this example, we are
using a departmental share named SampleShare:  \\\dept\SampleShare.

To map your share, you will need to replace SampleShare with your department’s share name. You can see
the dialog window in figure 3.

Make sure that if you want the drive to map every time you use your computer you must put a check in the "Reconnect at Logon" box.

Figure 3: The Map Network Drive Dialog Window

If you are not logged in to the machine you are using with your Elon username and password, then you will
need to select the Connect using a different user name link. You will fill in your Elon username, with the appended to the end. The password is the same you use for email. See figure 4 for the Connect
As dialog.

This is the login screen for connecting to a departmental shared drive.

Figure 4: The Connect As dialog

Once you have completed this process, you may press Finish on the Map Network Drive dialog. This will
complete the mapping process. Now that this is complete, you can begin managing rights on the share. To
do this, begin by opening the drive that you just connected. It will be represented under Computer by
the drive letter you selected in the Map Network Drive dialog. It may look like Figure 5 depending on your
computer’s setup.

This is an image of the mapped network drive.

Figure 5: The mapped network drive.

When you open this drive, by default there is only one folder inside: the Share folder. To administrate
users, right-click on the Share folder and select Properties. Then, select the Security tab at the top. You will
see a box containing all the users that currently have access to the share. See Figure 6. NOTE: It is
important that you DO NOT remove any of the three Domain Admins groups listed in the box.

This is an image of what permissions you can assign to users.

Figure 6: The security properties of the share.

To add a new user, click the Edit button and then click the Add button. Type their Elon email address into the box. You can enter more
than one user at a time by separating their username’s with a semicolon. To apply the changes, press OK;
any usernames the system cannot identify will be brought to your attention. See Figure 7.

Enter the users you would like to have access to the shared drive.

Figure 7: Select the user’s you would like to have access.

After adding the users to the list, you will need to give them the correct permissions. For each user you
add, you will want to give them Modify privileges. Selecting Modify will select all the other required
privileges. NOTE: You should not give Full Control to any other users. See Figure 8.

This is an image showing the permissions you are needing to set for users you are adding.

Figure 8: Setting the correct permissions.

Removing a user is as simple as selecting their name and pressing the Remove button.

These same methods can be applied to other folders underneath the Share folder. For example, if you have
committees inside your department, you can make a sub-directory of Share for each committee, and apply
privileges to each for only the people in the committee. The members of the committee could then map
their network drives with a path similar to the following:


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