Schar Hall 207

Tags schar

Room Summary

A photo of the front of the room from the rear.A photo of the rear of the room from the front.A photo of the top of the instructor stationEquipment Rack





  Click to enlarge photos above.

This classroom is located on the second floor of Schar Hall. It has 32 rolling chair desks, a desktop computer, a touch screen controller, a projector, and screen.

How to Use Room: Base Level Operations

  1. Turn on the computer by pressing the power button located on the back left of the monitor.
  2. Login using your Elon username and password.
  3. Touch the touch panel located to the right of the computer to turn on the projector system. It will take about 30 seconds to warm up.
  4. Use the touch panel to select your desired input.
  5. Turn off the system by pressing the power located on the top right of the panel. Then click the "YES - Shut down system" button.
  6. Turn off the computer by clicking on the Apple logo in the top left of the screen and then click on the "Shut Down" option.

Available Technology

Equipment Manufacturer Model/Type
Desktop Computer Apple iMac 2019
Touch Panel Control  Creston TSW-1050-TTK-B-S
Projector Canon WUX6000
DVD/Blu-Ray Player Oppo BDP-103
Document Camera WolfVision VZ-8light4
Web Camera Vaddio RoboShot 12E HDBT
Automatic Projector Screen Da-Lite Contour
Laptop Connectivity HDMI  
Conference Mics (x2) Shure MXA310W
AirMedia Crestron AM-200


1.) Touch Panel Control (Crestron)

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Tap the touch panel to turn on the system.
  2. The system will take 30 seconds to warm up.
    A photo of the touch panel welcome page.
  3. Select the input that you want to display through the projector.
    A photo of the touch panel showing input selection.
  4. To turn the system off, press the power button located on the top right corner of the touch panel control.
    A photo of the touch panel showing the power off button.
  5. Select the "YES Shut Down System" button to turn off the system.
    A photo of the touch panel showing how to turn off the system.
  Click on the images above to enlarge.

Desktop Instructions

  1. Tap on the Desktop tab on the touch panel.
  2. Turn on the Desktop computer and login with your Elon username and password.
    A photo of the touch panel showing the Desktop selection
  Click on the images above to enlarge.

Laptop/HDMI Instructions

  1. Tap on the HDMI tab on the touch panel.
    A photo of the touch panel showing Laptop selection.
  2. Plug in your device using the HDMI cord.
    A photo of an HDMI cable.
  3. Ensure that your device is on.
  Click on the images above to enlarge.

DVD Instructions

  1. The DVD player is located in the cabinet beneath the computer.
  2. Insert your DVD into the player.
  3. Tap on the DVD tab on the touch panel.
  4. The touch panel will display DVD controller buttons.
  5. Use the buttons displayed to control the DVD player.
    A photo of the touch panel showing the dvd selection.
  Click on the images above to enlarge.

AirMedia Instructions

  1. Select the "AirMedia" option on the touch panel.
    A photo of the touch panel showing the Air Media page.
  2. A screen similar to the one shown below will be projected.
  3. Go the URL displayed at the top of the screen, it will take you to a page that looks similar to the one below.
  4. If you have not used AirMedia before in this room, download it by clicking on the respective buttons.                                                                                                                 
  5. Once you have downloaded it, locate it in your download folder and then open it.
  6. A small panel will appear on your device with an input box.
  7. Type in the Room Code that is projected at the bottom left of the projected screen into the input box on your device.
  8. Press the "Connect" button, and your device screen will appear on the projected screen.
  9. To stop presenting, click on the disconnect button.
  Click on the images above to enlarge.

Document Camera Instructions

A photo of the document camera

  1. Touch the touch screen control to turn on the system. The system will take 30 seconds to warm up.
  2. Select Document Camera on the touch screen control.
  3. Document camera is ready for use.
  4. Adjustments to zoom or lamp use can be made on the touch screen control.
  5. To turn the system off, press the System Off button located on the top right of the touch screen control or select another input to use.


2.) Desktop Computer (Apple)

A photo of the top of the instructor station.

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Turn on computer by pressing the power button located on the back left side of the computer monitor.
  2. Login with your Elon username and password.
  3. To turn off the computer, click the Shut Down button by clicking on the Apple button on the top left of the screen, then selecting "Log Off" or "Shut Down".


3.) Web Camera (Vaddio)

Basic Operating Instructions

This room is equipped with a Vaddio web camera to use with web conferencing. Please review the articles below for additional information.

Connect Classroom Technology to Zoom
Connect Classroom Technology to Microsoft Teams


4.) Projector (Canon)

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Touch the touch panel to turn on the system. It should take about 30 seconds to warm up and turn on.
  2. Use the touch panel to select the desired input.
  3. To turn off the system, press the power button on the top right of the touch panel.