Belk Library 108.4 - One Touch Recording

In order to record videos using the cameras to a USB device, you must have a high-quality USB drive with at least 4GB of storage space. The drive will need to be re-formatted each time it is used for recording. Additionally, the files will save an mp4 and a text file. The mp4 is your recording and will be auto-tagged with the date and the name you input during configuration.

Room Summary

Image of room sign Image of wall crestronImage of table in roomImage of camera






Pictured below is the Crestron panel used to manage the recording process. Above the Crestron panel is an outlet to insert a USB device for storing your recordings.

A photo of the touchpanel and usb port.

  • When you insert a USB drive, it will not be recognized immediately. Please allow the system a few moments to recognize the device.
  • After the USB device is recognized, users will see on the screen the approximate amount of recording time available on their USB.

Turn the system on and select room mode.

 A photo of the touchpanel control

  1. Press ON to turn system on.
  2. Select room mode; Conference or Recording.
  3. Use the in-cables to connect a laptop to LCD in conference mode.

The camera is for recording purposes only.

Available Technology

Below is a list of the technology available in Belk 108.4.


  1. Camera
    • Manufacturer - Canon
    • Model/Type - VBC300
  2. Flat Panel Display
    • Manufacturer - NEC
    • Model/Type - E554
  3. Wall Plate
    • Manufacturer - Extron
    • Model/Type - WPB109
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