Most tasks in Photoshop can be performed using quick keyboard shortcuts rather than menus. Most shortcuts are listed by selecting 'File' and looking next to their entry in the drop-down menus.
In order to find a shortcut for a specific task, just find it in the menu and look to the right for a combination of keystrokes.
Here’s a list of some of the most common, useful, or hidden shortcuts:
Creating an Image:
Action |
Shortcut |
New Project |
Ctrl + N |
Help |
F1 |
Open File |
Ctrl + O |
Open As |
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + O |
New Layer |
Shift + Ctrl + N |
New Layer Via Copy |
Ctrl + J |
New Layer Via Cut |
Shift + Ctrl + J |
First Steps:
Copy |
Ctrl + C |
Paste |
Ctrl + V |
Zoom In |
Ctrl + + |
Zoom Out |
Ctrl + - |
Zoom to Screen |
Ctrl + 0 |
Zoom to 100% |
Ctrl + 1 |
Undo |
Ctrl + Z |
Step Back |
Ctrl +Alt + Z |
Step Forward |
Shift + Ctrl + Z |
Simple Edits:
Fill Shift + F5 |
Invert Selection |
Shift + F7 |
Feather Selection |
Shift + F6 |
Refine Edge |
Ctrl + Alt + R |
Free Transform |
Ctrl + T |
Action |
Shortcut |
Select move tool |
V |
Select marquee tool |
M |
Select lasso tool |
L |
Select magic wand |
W |
Select crop tool |
C |
Select Eyedropper tool |
I |
Select Spot Healing Brush tool |
J |
Select Brush tool |
B |
Select Clone Stamp tool |
S |
Select History Brush tool |
Y |
Select Eraser tool |
E |
Select Gradient tool |
G |
Select Dodge tool |
O |
Select Pen tool |
P |
Select Horizontal Type tool |
T |
Select Path Selection tool |
A |
Select Rectangle tool |
U |
Frame tool |
K |
Select Hand tool |
H |
Select Rotate View tool |
R |
Select Zoom tool |
Z |
Switch to hand tool |
Space |
Switch to zoom in |
Ctrl + Space |
Switch to zoom out |
Alt + Space |
Time Savers:
Cycle through alternate tools |
Alt + Click on tool |
Cycle open documents |
Ctrl + Tab |
Previous Document |
Shift + Ctrl + Tab |
Toggle full screen |
F (or Shift + F) |
Toggle canvas color |
Space + F |
Temporary Zoom |
H + Click |
Scroll with hand tool |
Space + Drag |
View Individual Color Channels R/G/B |
Ctrl + 3/4/5 |
Finishing Up:
Save |
Ctrl + S |
Save As |
Ctrl + Shift + S |
Save for Web |
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S |
Many more shortcuts, especially ones for specific applications like animation or painting, can be found on the full list of default Adobe keyboard shortcuts.