A list of available learning spaces with technology in Belk Library.
Building Room List
100 Collaborative
102 Conference Room
108.1 Conference Room/Study Room
108.3 Study Room
108.4 Presentation Practice Room/Study Room/Recording Room
113 Classroom
114 Conference Room
116 Collaborative
127 Classroom
205 Seminar
206 Copier/Vending
209 CTS Storage
Event/Space Reservation
Please click the logo above or access the simple scheduling option.
Building Floor Plan
Belk Library Floor Plan
Please click the link above or access the floor plans website.
Multimedia Stations
Multimedia stations are located in the Commons Area on the first floor of Belk Library, right outside of Media Services. There are both Mac and PC computers available for user preference. These computers serve as video-editing and video-capture stations, and they also have the latest versions of high-end software programs. Professional level software is available for both video and image editing. This area is also equipped with a group work station (located on the first floor outside of the copy room).
A TLT Student Consultant is available at the Information Desk during the library's regular operating hours to provide assistance using the advanced software and equipment.