Opt-In to Duo Security for Single Sign On (SSO) Applications

1.) Visit Elon's Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enrollment website and enter your Elon email username and password. Then, select ‘Login’ to begin.

Screenshot of Elon's DUO Self-Service Enrollment Website with the login prompt

2.) Select the empty box to opt-in to Duo MFA for web applications. Once selected, the box will appear green with a white checkmark inside. Then, select ‘Turn On.’

The Opt-in to Duo security checkbox is checked with he "Turn on" button available

3.) Once complete, you are presented with a Duo MFA Enabled confirmation and notified that Duo MFA will be required the next time you access web applications such as Moodle, Office 365 and other services that require your Elon email username and password. You may also return to enrollment settings from this screen.

The Duo multi-facto authentication enabled screen

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