Microsoft Teams Usage Policy


To join or create a team using Microsoft Teams, team members and owners must abide by the following terms, conditions, and responsibilities.


Users of Microsoft Teams are expected to adhere to all technology policies, specifically the IT Acceptable Usage Policy and Information Security Policy.


Team Creation

Teams can be created by individuals with Elon University Active Directory accounts and not using generic or departmental accounts (e.g. teams should be created by, not Each team must have at least one identified owner who will serve as the primary contact. Information Technology (IT) will notify primary contacts if significant changes to a team are required or if there is an issue or violation with their team. Teams may have multiple owners if the original owner elects to allow others the authority to edit their team.

Inactive Teams

Team owners will be notified via email if their inactive team is in danger of archival or deletion (two separate notifications). If there is no response from the team owner within 15 days of the archival notification, a second team member will be contacted. If there is no response from any team members within 30 days of the archival notification, the team will be archived for a period of six (6) months.  

If there is a response and progress from a team member within the six (6) month time frame before deletion, the team member can work with IT to re-activate their team. If there is no response or progress from the team owner within 15 days of the deletion notification, a second team member will be contacted. If there is no response or progress from any team members within 30 days, the team will be deleted.

  1. IT performs monthly audit
  2. IT finds a team that has been inactive for 12+ months
  3. IT contacts the team owner(s)
  4. IT receives no response for 15 days
  5. IT contacts other team member(s)
  6. IT receives no response for 15 more days (30 days total)
  7. Team is archived for 6 months
    1. If user(s) submits a request during this time, the process stops and the team is reactivated.
  8. After 6 months have passed, IT contacts the team owner(s)
  9. IT receives no response for 15 days
  10. IT contacts other team member(s)
  11. IT receives no response for 15 more days (30 days total)
  12. Team is deleted

Third-Party Applications

Third-party applications are disabled by default. Once the application has been vetted by IT, the application can be enabled for the Elon community. Team members or owners can submit a request for a particular application to be vetted.

Roles and Responsibilities



Team Owners

  • Point(s) of contact for IT
  • Ensure team members abide by technology policies and the Microsoft Teams Usage Policy
  • Manage access to team, including guest access (members outside the Elon University community)
  • Deactivate inactive teams
  • Abide by all technology policies

Team Members

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