Change Management Procedures


Requests for Change must be submitted through TeamDynamix under the internal "Change Request" form. TeamDynamix is configured to trigger appropriate approvals when required based on the change type.


Communication is at the core of change management. As such, it is important to understand that communication is necessary to help mitigate risk and complete required changes. All change requests, approvals, updates, and final dispositions should be managed by the TeamDynamix tool.

As part of submitting a Request for Change, a communication plan is required. It is the responsibility of the change owner to fulfill the communication plan and inform affected parties.

When a Request for Change is submitted, email notifications are sent to the Change Owner and the Change Advisory Board with information pertinent to the change, as well as appropriate approvals.

If a Request for Change does not contain adequate information related to the change, it may be denied in order for it to be re-worked with more information. If a CAB member reviews a submitted change prior to the next CAB meeting and does not believe the Request for Change is sufficient, they may notify the Change Manager to expedite the request for re-work before the CAB meeting.

CAB Guideline

The CAB will meet weekly, either virtual or in person. Virtual meetings are typically held to discuss changes that have been submitted for approval, review the change progress, and address questions regarding pre-authorized or informational changes. In-person meetings may also be held as needed to discuss more in-depth topics that help to further evolve the change management process.

The CAB is designed to provide input and insight into proposed changes to help guide the Change Manager on approvals and acceptance of changes proposed to be pre-authorized. Decisions for approvals are consensus-based by CAB members. In instances of conflict or the inability to come to a consensus, director involvement will be sought.

The Emergency Change Advisory Board will consist of all IT directors. The "E-CAB" is involved in change management only upon the submission of emergency changes and has no official meeting times.

7 R's

In order to understand the balance of risk and benefit to a live service, the following generic questions should be asked of all changes being considered for acceptance.

  1. Who is reporting the change?
  2. What is the reason for the change?
  3. What is the expected result from the change?
  4. What are the risks involved in the change?
  5. What resources are required to deliver the change?
  6. Who is responsible for the build, test, and implementation of the change?
  7. What is the relationship and impact between this change and other changes?


Emergency Changes

Emergency Changes must be filed within 24 hours of the emergency being identified by a member of the team owning the IT component. Emergency Changes will be assessed by IT Directors with an accompanying approval process. Change owners will follow established departmental procedures in responding to emergencies. Following an emergency change, the Change Owner (or a representative from the Change Owner’s department) must attend the next Change Advisory Board meeting to discuss the change. Emergency Changes are subject to review at the discretion of the Change Advisory Board.

Normal Changes

Normal Changes must be submitted to the CAB for approval. Normal Changes should be submitted to the CAB by 4:00pm for review the following day. If a normal change is submitted without appropriate time for the CAB to review and approve, normal changes will be denied or postponed.

Pre-Authorized Changes

Since Pre-Authorized Changes are well-defined and low-risk, they have been pre-authorized by the CAB and are not subject to approval. However, Pre-Authorized Changes must have a Request for Change filed before the change may take place. Pre-Authorized Change notifications will be sent to the CAB upon submission. In order to submit a Pre-Authorized Change Request, users must select the change from a series of controlled drop-down menus. If the selection is not available, users must submit the change as either emergency or normal, both of which are subject to approval.

Changes may be nominated for pre-authorization at any time during the year. Nominated changes will be brought to, discussed, and evaluated by the CAB to determine if pre-authorization is appropriate before a vote for pre-authorization is held.

Informational Changes

Informational changes are low-risk, typically routine changes that are performed outside of Elon IT's control. These changes include routine vendor maintenance.