Roku - Content/Channel stops playing and returns to home screen


Roku recently pushed a firmware update that enables a bandwidth saver. After 4 hours of inactivity, Roku will return to its home screen. 

The new "bandwidth saver" is turned on by default in Roku OS 9.2. If you haven't used the remote in 4 hours, a message will display asking you if you're still watching. If there is no response the channel will stop streaming and save your network bandwidth.


Option 1 - Move the remote

  • Make sure to move your remote within 4 hours. Internal sensors will delay this from activating.

Option 2 - Disable feature

  • Press the Home button on the remote
  • Arrow down to Settings and press OK
  • Scroll to Network or press OK if already highlighted
  • Scroll to Bandwidth Saver or press OK if already highlighted
  • Scroll to and select on or off
  • Press the Home button to return

photo of roku menu showing option to turn on or off the bandwidth saver



Note that this works both on Roku players and Roku TV, though the latter also has its own power scheme that can shut off the entire television if nobody's watching.

Read more about Roku's bandwidth saver. Consult your user manual for information on your television.

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