The Closed Course and/or Prerequisite Waiver form is used by Department Chairs to either allow students to register for a closed class, without the prerequisites, or both. The request is processed by the Registrar's Office and the student is notified via email.
You may overload multiple closed courses and/or waive prerequisites for the same student on one form. Prerequisite waivers do not require a section.
To submit a waiver, go to eDocs and click on the Chair Closed Class/Prerequisite Waiver Form in the Registrar section.
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Complete the form
- Your Department
- Start typing the department name for a quick search
- Choose your department from the list
- Term
- Choose the term from the list
- Select Student
- Start typing the student's name for a quick search
- The student's name and email address is displayed to help choose the correct student
- Enter the appropriate details for the following fields
- Subject
- Course Number
- Section
- Check the applicable boxes
- Closed Course Override
- Prerequisite not met override

Any combination of closed and/or prerequisite override can be submitted for each course on one form.

Submit the form
To submit the form for approval, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

All forms submitted by you can be viewed in the Activity tab of eDocs. The status of each submission is displayed under the name of the form.