Are there different VPN connections?

Yes, there are two different VPN connections: Campus VPN and Colleague VPN. The difference being what you are trying to access.

Campus VPN is only used when someone is off campus and needs access to applications, shared drives or files stored physically on the Elon main campus network. Campus VPN will not work if you are currently connected to the campus network, i.e. sitting in a class room or dorm room while on elon-secure wireless. 

Colleague VPN are for those who need access to Colleague and Entrinsik Informer applications, either on or off campus. If you require access to Colleague or Entrinsik Informer while off campus, you must complete the Colleague and Entrinsik Informer Off-Campus Access Request prior to remote work.

Both will use the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client software to make the connection from your PC or Mac. This software may already be installed on your PC or Mac but can be downloaded once you login in to the vpn.elon.edu website. Installation instructions are provided at the bottom of the download page.

What applications need a VPN to work?

  • If you are off campus, you should only need VPN to access Elon site-based websites and other resources. These include:
    • Campus VPN
      • Call Manager
      • Shared/personal drives
      • Titanium
      • eDocs
    • Colleague VPN
      • Colleague
      • Entrinsik Informer
  • The following websites are not Elon-site based, so they should be able to be accessed anywhere you have an Internet connection without VPN. These include:
    • Moodle
    • Kaltura
    • Microsoft products
    • Webex
    • OnTrack

I'm on campus and VPN isn't working. Why?

  • If you are on a campus network, you will not need access to VPN unless you are using Colleague or Entrinsik Informer. Cisco AnyConnect Campus VPN will not work if you attempt access from an Elon University network (i.e., elonu-secure)

Will VPN make my Internet faster?

  • VPN relies on whatever Internet connection you are using, which may be slower or faster than what is offered on campus. VPN also requires the use of some bandwidth, so unless you are off campus accessing an application that requires VPN, you should not use VPN to make your connection faster, improve your video quality, etc.

I'm on a computer running Windows 8 and Cisco AnyConnect isn't working. Why?

  • Windows 8 does not support the use of Cisco AnyConnect. 

Can I use Cisco AnyConnect on my iPhone?

  • Yes! Just download the Cisco AnyConnect app from the AppStore. Once downloaded, login with your Elon user name and password.

Can I use Cisco AnyConnect on my Android?

  • Yes! But remember: the Android store has different Cisco AnyConnect app depending on the make of your phone (Samsung, HTC, etc.). So, it's extremely important for you to select the right app for download.
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